[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss jBPM] - Re: direct navigation when starting a new process instance

tom.baeyens@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Jan 8 08:23:07 EST 2007

"jeffdelong" wrote : This is a bit tricky, because these are really two different scenarios here.
  | 1) if Start-task - then user should be navigated to the page to perform the task, i.e. fill in the form.


"jeffdelong" wrote : 
  | 2) no Start-task - typically the user that started the process will not perform the first task in the process (otherwise we could have modelled their task at the start). So they should not navigate to a task-related page. Question is where to take them. What they would probably most like to see is the list of started processInstances, and see the one they just started in that list, or the ProcessInstance View for that particular instance that they just started.

i would guess they most likely want to see the ProcessInstance View.

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