[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Web Services] - Re: JBWS-1260 - such a part must refer to an element named a

darran.lofthouse@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Jan 12 09:18:15 EST 2007

I can't reproduce the error you are seeing if my WSDL contains messages with 2 parts, instead I get the following error reported: -

anonymous wrote : 
  | [junit] org.jboss.ws.WSException: Only Request-Only and Request-Response MEPs are allowed
  |     [junit]     at org.jboss.ws.metadata.wsdl.WSDLUtils.getWsdl11Input(WSDLUtils.java:885)
  |     [junit]     at org.jboss.ws.tools.WSDLToJava.appendMethods(WSDLToJava.java:287)
  |     [junit]     at org.jboss.ws.tools.WSDLToJava.createSEIFile(WSDLToJava.java:588)
  |     [junit]     at org.jboss.ws.tools.WSDLToJava.createSEI(WSDLToJava.java:618)
  |     [junit]     at org.jboss.ws.tools.WSDLToJava.generateSEI(WSDLToJava.java:187)
  |     [junit]     at org.jboss.ws.tools.helpers.ToolsHelper.handleWSDLToJavaGeneration(ToolsHelper.java:304)
  |     [junit]     at org.jboss.ws.tools.WSTools.process(WSTools.java:138)

I think this check was part of some refactoring that happened on trunk.

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