[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss jBPM] - Re: new simplified menu structure

tom.baeyens@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Jan 19 06:29:54 EST 2007

"falazar" wrote : anonymous wrote : 
  |   | The "End Task" is not terminology that is defined by the web console. The caption of each of the transition buttons is determined by the name of the corresponding transition. In this case, the "websale" example process happens to have transitions named "End Task". 
  | The "End" "Cancel" and "Save" are rather confusing, we changed those to be specfic action names so users would know what they were doing, like "Submit Request" and such.

+1.  So we should give some thought on how the user can specify button names and link them to transition names.  By default, the transition names are chosen, but the user should be able to override these.   If no transition name is specified and no button name is given, we can't do anything else except come up with a silly generic name.

"falazar" wrote : And the "Cancel" does not actually cancel the task or the process, so it is very ambigously named, we changed it to "Go back to inbox" and added a Cancel Request transition button.

good point.  that button got me fooled too.   since there is a task.cancel method, i thougt it was cancelling the task.  "Back to Inbox" is indeed better

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