[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of Messaging on JBoss (Messaging/JBoss)] - Re: JBMESSAGING-674 - Propagating changes on ClusteredConnec

clebert.suconic@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Jan 22 10:15:20 EST 2007

"timfox" wrote : Clebert-
  | I just tried to deploy the scoped sar in JBAS and it fails, complaining that it cannot find a property editor for ConnectionFactory::setLoadBalancingFactory.
  | Looking at the code, the method setLoadBalancingFactory() takes a LoadBalancingFactory, but the MBean method takes a String.
  | I have fixed this, so I can get on with my work. You may want to review my fix since it was very quick.
  | This tells me one thing, you added an MBean attribute without adding a corresponding test for it.
  | All new functionality needs to have unit tests, so please could you add a test.
  | Cheers.

I just changed this in top of what Ovidiu had before... Ovidiu had a LoadBalancingPolicy and I placed a LoadBalancingFactory in replacement.

I actually started doing this by using a String the same way you changed... but then I realized what Ovidiu had before and I used the same thing.  By looking at his code I thought MBeans would take care of it on the XML description (using a default's constructor)

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