[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JCA on JBoss] - Re: JBossTS/JCA Recovery work for JBoss 4.2

timfox do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Jan 24 14:26:45 EST 2007

"weston.price at jboss.com" wrote : 
  | This is true, but in JCA land, to support recovery one approach (ie serializable XAResource or XAResourceRecovery implementaion) has to be done. Just as you had to do this for JBM, JCA needs to support this as well to integrate with JBossTS.

I disagree.

Let's take the example of JBM for a minute. We already have a recovery mechanism in place (we use an XAResourceRecovery instance).

Now whether the transaction was started via JCA or directly by the user is of no consequence.

The JBoss TS recovery manager will just get an xaresource from our XAResourceRecovery instance and return a list of xids, some of these may come from transactions initiated by JCA and others not. It doesn't matter.

In this scenario there is absolutely no need for JCA to do anything.

I think the same logic applies to any resource manager for which you can write an XAResourceRecovery.

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