[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of EJB 3.0] - Re: Issues with passivation of nested SFSBs

bstansberry@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Jan 27 19:10:32 EST 2007

Tangentially related to this is the issue of ClusteredStatefulCache.replicate(StatefulBeanContext) for a nested SFSB with no remote interface.  This method gets invoked on the return side of a clustered SFSB invocation.  Again, in this case, the cached context is a proxy.  Replicating the proxy here serves little purpose, as it doesn't result in any bean state being replicated.

Question is, should the *parent context* be replicated in this case? That's what actually holds the child bean's state.

Replicating the parent is more correct, as it ensures the data is replicated. But it can be inefficient -- i.e. imagine a call on the parent that internally results in calls on 3 child beans.  That would result in 4 replications of the parent, when 1 would suffice.  It could also cause problems, as 3 of the replications would occur while the parent bean is in the middle of the outer invocation.

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