[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Web Services] - RI tools dependency

heiko.braun@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jan 30 04:00:42 EST 2007

I introduced a dependency on the RI tools in order to create the interop artifacts. The main reasons for this are: 

- We need to be more flexible when facing the next plug-fest
- Having a pluggable tools layer within the test suite means that we can easily verify our own JAX-WS tools codebase at some later point in time
- We do verify that our stack really works with the JAX-WS artifacts that the RI tools generate 

Currently this requires a now build property to be set

  | #
  | # JAX-WS Home
  | # The testsuite requires the RI tools to generate the artifacts
  | # NOTE: Don't use the JWSDP 2.0, it contains legacy API.
  | # Use the RI codebase from java.net instead:
  | # https://jax-ws.dev.java.net/jax-ws-20-fcs/ 
  | # 
  | ri.home=/home/hbraun/dev/env/jaxws-ri_2.0

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