[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBossCache] - Re: TxInterceptor logging of exceptions

manik.surtani@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jan 30 11:46:34 EST 2007

anonymous wrote : 
  | 1) Why log at all if the exception is going to be rethrown? The log doesn't indicate any action on the part of the interceptor. Eviction now uses a 0 ms timeout, so a lot of those timeouts could end up getting logged. 

Agreed.  Unless we intend to NOT throw the exception (failSilently is present) we should not log the exception.

anonymous wrote : 
  | 2) If failSilently is set, a stack trace in the log at INFO doesn't seem very silent. People freak at stack traces no matter what level. At a minimum I think any INFO logging should be just the message, with a stack trace only at DEBUG or TRACE. But with Hibernate's usage, I think these are going to be too frequent for INFO.

+1 as well.

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