[jboss-dev-forums] [QA of JBoss Portal] - JSFUnit and Portlets

mwringe do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Jun 12 21:42:55 EDT 2007

I am still confused as to how jsf portlet applications should be tested using jsfunit. JSFUnit  expects to be able to browse to a URL to access the jsf page. This is something that can't be done currently in portal.

Trivial JSF portlets can be easily altered so that it can be accessed just as a normal jsf application, but it gets more difficult with more complex portlets that rely on portal specifics.

I know it was mentioned that I could setup the jsf application and use the micro-container to bootstrap portal services. I am a little lost in this. Would this require running new services or tieing into an already running portals services?

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