[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss jBPM] - Re: jbpm4jsf java 5 dependency

david.lloyd@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Jun 13 09:52:25 EDT 2007

The console outputs three versions: a JBossAS 4.2.x version, a JBossAS 4.0.x version, and a JBossAS 4.0.x/JDK 1.4 version.  There is no need for a JDK 1.4 version for JBAS 4.2.x because the AS requires JDK5 to run.

jBPM4JSF, Gravel, and the JSF RI all require JDK 5.  So the console target for JDK 1.4 runs JBossRetro across all of these libraries.

In order to put more than one version into the repository, we have two options:

1) update the directory structure so that there's a directory for each console WAR.
2) switch to distributing the exploded WAR zip archive instead, in which case we can name each one differently, since they all unzip to a directory called jbpm-console.war

I think we should do #2 personally, because this gives users easy access to all the configuration files, and makes it equally easy to install any version.  I do not want to only put out the JDK 1.4 version by default, because if we have to choose between making life easiest for users of AS 4.2.x versus 4.0.x, I choose the former.  In any case, rumor has it that Sun will be desupporting JDK 1.4 by the end of the year anyway...

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