[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss jBPM] - Re: process patch files

brittm do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Jun 13 12:34:39 EDT 2007

anonymous wrote : And you want to update complex processes with patches? Think that is going to work?
We already do it (successfully) by directly manipulating the database--sometimes through screens developed for that pupose.  (Unfortunately, the 10 or so departments that we serve can't seem to come up with all their real requirements until they start using the system in production.  And I suppose we have had one or two *ahem* mistakes on our part.)

anonymous wrote : What's easier with patching? 
1) With patching, I don't need to deploy configuration and code that I'm not changing.  The larger and more complicated an environment becomes, the higher the risk of introducing unintented changes, and hence the more benefits patching provides.
2) If a business looses track of a PAR project for whatever reason (company is acquired, IT is restructured, developers leave, data loss, etc.), and jBPM can't hand back the par file for rebuilding, then patching is the only option other than rewriting the process.

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