[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss jBPM] - Re: dataflow integration

koen.aers@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jun 28 04:24:55 EDT 2007

"msandoz" wrote : 
  | for example a mapper could take a chunk of xml and determine which semantic element should be generated by introspecting into it. it could then choose a dom adapter appropriate to that semantic element. 
This is definitely the way to go. My idea about the dom adapters was to make it possible to mostly configure them declaratively. After all, they contain only mapping information. But the mapper will be necessary to resolve any possible conflicts between xml elements.
So at a first glance following things have to happen:
- add another (optional) attribute to the xmlMapping extension point: mapperClass
- modidfy the XmlAdapterRegistry and more in particular the method getConfigurationElementByXmlElementName to include the mapper behaviour
- for each overloaded xml element include the appropriate mapperClass implementation in the xmlMapping extension contribution
The mapperClass should of course implement an interface XmlMapper or something that is to be included in the org.jbpm.gd.common.xml package. I would be very grateful if you could pull this off. If you do and are able/wiling to contribute, you can submit a JIRA issue with your changes attached.

Let us know how it goes!


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