[jboss-dev-forums] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Components

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jun 28 12:41:32 EDT 2007

Components have been changed in two fundamental ways.

1) Deployers don't see components by default any more.

To get components, you need to do

  | public MyDeployer()
  | {
  |    setWantComponents(true);
  | }

2) However if you are dealing with components, you probably don't want
to process the main context. So you are more likely to use

  | public MyDeployer()
  | {
  |    setComponentsOnly(true);
  | }

The two current component deployers (JMX and POJO) both
only look at components now.

NOTE: On a related point you can also say that you are only interested in
the top level deployment, not subdeployments.

The other major change, (maybe you spotted it when I listed the DeployerStages or 
the list of deployers for REAL), is that there is no longer a COMPONENT stage.
With the attachment flows, it is no longer necessary. The attachment ordering
will make sure it is invoked in the correct order.

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