[jboss-dev-forums] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: New VFSDeployer Change Question

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Jun 28 13:05:48 EDT 2007

A deployer for seam should just be a case of something that modifies
the WebMetaData to add the seam servlet context listener (or whatever
mechanism it uses).

  | public MySeamDeployer extends AbstractSimpleVFSRealDeployer<WebMetaData>
  | public MySeamDeployer()
  | {
  |    super(WebMetaData.class);
  |    // We modify the web metadata - i.e. we are filter that inputs/outputs WebMetaData
  |    setOutputs(WebMetaData.class);
  | }
  | public void deploy(VFSDeploymentUnit unit, WebMetaData webMetaData) throws DeploymentException
  | {
  |    if (isSeamDeployment(unit))
  |       modifyWebMetaDataToAddSeamIfNotAlreadyPresent(webMetaData);
  | }

WebMetaData is the object model for [jboss-]web.xml

Once that is done, you can just deploy a normal war with seam metadata
(or annotated classes) and it will automatically make the necessary
configuration changes to web.xml

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