[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Web Services] - The JBossWS build is a joke - the project is unmaintainable

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Jun 29 10:03:04 EDT 2007

To update jbossws to the new deployers, I must have had to modify
at least three files that organise thirdparty dependencies.

But even having done that, it didn't build the jboss50 integeration.
So I went to that directory and did a build there, and I got this:

  | [ejort at warjort jboss50]$ ant
  | Buildfile: build.xml
  | prepare:
  | thirdparty-init:
  | thirdparty-get:
  | thirdparty-classpath:
  | thirdparty:
  | init:
  | /home/ejort/jbossws/integration/jboss50/build.xml:41: Not available: ${jboss50.home}/client/jboss-ejb3-client.jar

Why is it compiling over non-versioned jars??????!!!!!!!

This makes the whole build unreproducable.

How do I know which version of jboss-ejb3-client.jar I need to reproduce a
customer problem from source?

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