[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Re: Issue with JSF <f:view> tag

vaalati do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Mar 9 15:31:27 EST 2007

Hi Stan,

Are you saying that if I have the below form element:

<h:inputText value="" required="true" id="ADM_USER_ID" /> 

Then I can access the above field value in my portlet's doView() method (which extends MyFacesGenericPortlet) using renderRequest.getParameter(paramName) ?

If that is so, then getParameter(paramName) accepts the name of the field and not the ID of the field, right? Then in the above code I do not have a name for the field but I have an ID. So how do I access it's value now? Is there some thing more that I need to do?

Please help.

Thanks much,

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