[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of POJO Server] - Re: Missing EAR/WAR Isolation

scott.stark@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Mar 19 14:45:15 EDT 2007

The EARStructure defines what the deployable content is in the ear along with what its classpath is. It does not define scoping. This should be coming from the metadata of the AppParsingDeployer (jboss-app.xml, deployer isolation property) that is passed to the ServiceClassLoaderDeployer which should be creating the scoped ULR. I'll have to check if this is wired up correctly. I'm working on the jboss5 testsuite so I'll look at the existing ear isolation tests today.

On the first port of the war deployer, jbossweb didn't have a mechanism to accept a class loader so it was commented out. It should be creating a scoped class loader by default though, but its probably still an implementation detail of the webcontainer. It does need to be pulled out so its available at the DeploymentUnit level. I assume that is what you are looking for?

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