[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Remoting, Unified Invokers] - remoting streams

jahlborn do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Nov 3 23:46:16 EDT 2007

Earlier this year I had an email exchange with Tom Elrod about the jboss remoting implementation of an InputStream.  I had identified a variety of weaknesses in the implementation, and, more importantly, I wanted to get Tom's feelings on replacing it with a package I was working on.  At the time, my company was working on open sourcing the package, but for a variety of reasons, this did not actually happen until very recently.  Long story short, the   http://openhms.sourceforge.net/rmiio/ package has now been open sourced under the LGPL, but Tom no longer works at JBoss.  I was wondering if there are any other developers at JBoss on the remoting team that might be interested in working with me to look at integrating the package.

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