[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of EJB 3.0] - Updating InjectionHandler code

scott.stark@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Nov 8 05:16:43 EST 2007

I updated the org.jboss.metadata.annotation.creator code in the metadata project to start dealing with javaee component resource group entries. So far only @EJB and @Resource annotations are being processed. The 
org.jboss.test.metadata.annotation.repository.MetaDataRepositoryUnitTestCase.testMemoryMetaDataLoader illustrates this for the MyStatelessBean test bean.

@EJB maps to a new AnnotatedEJBReferenceMetaData type that will have to be mapped to either EjbReferenceMetaData or EjbLocalReferenceMetaData by the ReferenceMetaDataResolverDeployer when it determines what the target is.

My question at this point is how to update the InjectionHandler impls to run of the resolved metadata view. I'm going to have a call with Carlo and Adrian to sync up on what I have, and discuss what needs to be done to finish the transition to the unified metadata. Either Carlo or myself will follow up here with that outcome.

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