[jboss-dev-forums] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: 2.0.0.Beta6 release

pgier do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Nov 9 11:59:50 EST 2007

"alesj" wrote : "alesj" wrote : I mean, how come this didn't get populated during my mvn-release cookbook procedure?
  |   | Missing some settings? Since I don't touch my mvn settings if not necessary. ;-)
  |   | 
  | Or does this last step - 'The deployment is done to the local file system (a local checkout of the jboss maven2 repository), so you will need to commit the new files after they are deployed.' - imply that you also have to commit all this generated artifacts to our mvn2 repo as well?
  | If so, then it should be noted that you have to commit it to both places - our maven2 repo location + old buildmagic pickup place.

The release plugin does a maven deploy at the end of the "mvn release:perform" step.  This will copy the poms and jars to the directory that you specify and generate the checksum files and metadata.  Since we use an svn repository for our maven repo, you then need to check in the project files, checksums, and metadata.

So yes, you have to svn commit both to the maven repo and to the jboss repo if you want the jars available in both places.

Feel free to update the wiki if the explanation is not clear ;)

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