[jboss-dev-forums] [QA of JBoss Portal] - Re: Problems with maven

bdaw do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Nov 15 07:06:04 EST 2007

Second problem is much more weird and refers to maven plugin development. 
As was described in previous post I use cargo to deploy OpenDS LDAP server before identity tests are run. The tests are not run using surefire plugin but with our own jboss unit maven plugin. The plugin uses ant Java class (that handles 'java' task in ant) to invoke the tests. It gets proper classpath from MavenProject object using methods like:

  | mavenProject.getCompileArtifacts()
  | mavenProject.getTestArtifacts()
  | mavenProject.getRuntimeArtifacts()
  | mavenProject.getSystemArtifacts()
  | mavenProject.getDependencyArtifacts()
  | mavenProject.getTestResources()
  | mavenProject.getTestClasspathElements()

Normally it works perfectly. I started having problems when I decided to cleanup module dependencies and marked some of them with 


This is important as when the identity module will be used in other project all such "not needed for compilation" libraries will also be downloaded and used in classpath. So with test scope the code above still returns proper classpath. This happens UNTIL I use cargo maven plugin.... So with cargo most off those dependencies are not present in my plugin classpath. If I don't use test scope for dependencies everything is fine.
Any idea? Before I start to debug maven.... ;)

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