[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JCA on JBoss] - where to put servlet class file in jboss without using ant

jainendra.pathak do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Nov 23 09:30:40 EST 2007

Hello friends....
I m new user ...i am developing a project in witch more than on servlet and jsp are going to used ....
Can some body help me to give the idea where i hv to put .class file in Jboss.

Using Ant i did this creating .ear file and putting it into deploy folder of Jboss.

But is there anyway to directly we can .class file like we put jsp directly into Jboss????

One more thing in my jsp pages there two / three images where we hv to put it into Jboss so that it will take it.....because it is not taking it only jsp page it will show and without images....only contents are showing not the images... 

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