[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Portal] - Translation update

lucboudreau do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Nov 28 12:42:44 EST 2007

I'll soon commit changes made to the french ressource bundles. I used a great Eclipse plugin for this. The downside is that it moves the messages in the keys alphabetic order. The plugin allows for quick and easy translation and helps us ensure that all messages are present in each bundle. It does a really great job and I suggest everyone working with bundles use it. It can be found here : 


There were some french bundles missing so I added them and edited the corresponding portlet.xml files accordingly. The affected modules will be : core-samples (users portlet sample), core-search, migration (the faces-config was modified here).

There are still missing localized strings in some languages I can't translate (mainly italian) but the Eclipse plugin should help the persons responsible for the translation to spot them fast and easy.

I'm currently running the tests to ensure I didn't screw anything up, so I'll soon add those changes to the 2.6 branch.

Cheers !


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