[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss jBPM] - How to add Library to jbpm_repository?

camunda do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Oct 1 11:58:02 EDT 2007


For the Simulation-Engine I am currently working on (http://www.camunda.com/business_process_simulation/introduction.html
) I need the DesmoJ library (http://asi-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/themen/sim/forschung/Simulation/Desmo-J/).

For the moment I added the absolute URL directly to the build.properties;

  | lib.desmoj.version=2.1.1
  | lib.desmoj.name=desmoj.jar
  | lib.desmoj.dir=desmoj/${lib.desmoj.version}/lib
  | lib.desmoj.path=${lib.desmoj.dir}/${lib.desmoj.name}
  | lib.desmoj.local=${local.repository}/${lib.desmoj.path}
  | lib.desmoj.remote=http://asi-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/themen/sim/forschung/Simulation/Desmo-J/download/desmoj_2.1.1.jar

and copy it to the local repos in the build.xml:

  | 		<!-- desmo j for simulation -->
  |     <mkdir dir="${local.repository}/${lib.desmoj.dir}" />
  |     <get src="${lib.desmoj.remote}" dest="${lib.desmoj.local}" usetimestamp="true" ignoreerrors="true" />

This works fine :-)

But it should be available via the JBoss remote repository, right? How can I get the lib there?

Or leave it like I did? 

I haven't committed it yet, I wanted to wait for some answer...


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