[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of EJB 3.0] - Re: EJBTHREE-786

pete.muir@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Oct 2 07:16:12 EDT 2007

Coming at this from a Seam (i.e. people using EJB3) perspective:

"bdecoste" wrote : Having our proxies implement EJBObject is to be backwards compatible to EJB2.1 clients - isn't that a major point of the spec? I know the details aren't there, but the spirit of the spec is to be 2.1 client compatible.

Actually I thought *the* major point of EJB3 was to remove the arbitrary restrictions on what you can and can't do with your EJBs.  Saying 'no, you can't define a method with the signature remove() on your business interface' strikes me as pretty arbitrary (from a user perspective).  At the very least the current exception message is rubbish.

anonymous wrote : Again, can't we just tell SEAM to change their method name 

You can tell Gavin many things, it doesn't mean he listens ;)

anonymous wrote : and disallow EJBObject methods on Remote interfaces like EJB2.1 does?

Perhaps I misunderstand you, but surely we are talking about Local and Remote interfaces (currently this exception is thrown for both) - if this restriction applies to just Remote interfaces it would be a start ;)

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