[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of POJO Server] - New KernelBus lookup failure

alesj do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Oct 3 10:15:01 EDT 2007

I'm having problems locating runtime component via new KernelBus lookup.

The lookup goes over KernelRegistry, which eventually delegates things to registered KernelRegistryPlugins.
Currenty there are three KernelRegistryPlugins: BasicKernelRegistryFactory, AbstractKernelController, JNDIKernelRegistryPlugin.

OK, we can forget about the last one - JNDI.

But the thing is that neither of the first two is able to find simple 'name=DefaultDS,service=ManagedConnectionPool' service.
Looking at the AbstractKernelController makes it clear, since this service is not a POJO supplier. But one would expect to find it in the first registry.

What's the idea/algorithm what goes into BasicKernelRegistryFactory and is not present as installed ControllerContext in Controller and vice versa?
Since I get 188 entries in BasicKernelRegistryFactory and 359 Installed contexts in Controller. And BasicKernelRegistryFactory doesn't return service, where Controller.getInstalledContext returns the service context.

I'm running AS5 profileservice configuration.

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