[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of Messaging on JBoss (Messaging/JBoss)] - Re: Need Notification when message is dropped due to max siz

jhowell@redhat.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Oct 9 13:30:31 EDT 2007

The reason that the topic is not handled the same way is because if we were to throw an exception, then it would stop the processing of the other subscribers.  So you have a topic and you have 100 subscribers. If the 5th subscriber throws an exception, then  the delivery will not happen for the other 95.  This could be alleviated by catching the exception, but then the exception might not be tossed high enough.  

So the answer seems to be in some refactoring.  After speaking to Tim, we may implement something like the batch sql function in jdbc.  It returns an array/collection of objects that represents the success/failure of each one of the durable subscriptions.  Not sure what this will look like, but this could be interpreted to see why the failure happened.  This would provide the handling needed to see if a queue(durable subscriber) has rejected the entry due to a max size. 


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