[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss jBPM] - Re: Extension of the Designer

koen.aers@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Oct 18 08:25:15 EDT 2007

Hi Matthias,

Can you give some more information about what you are trying to do? More in particular:
- Can these actions occur anywhere (i.e. when any event is fired) or are they exclusively used within a generic node type?
- If its used in a node, does this node need to show up in the palette?
- Is it feasible to add specific xml elements for these actions you need? Or is it overkill?
- Is the custom configuration you want to do exclusively dependent on the classname of the action handler? Or are there other criteria as well?

We are slowly getting to node pluggability with the designer, and also action pluggability (custom predifined actions) is one of the things on the wishlist. So it seems your request falls in these categories. 

It seems to me though that adding another configuration type is not the good approach. I would try to add a tabpage or a section on a tabpage in the properties view that contains entry fields for the needed configuration information. It would then be a matter of 'hiding' the default configuration properties pages. Could this work for you?


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