[jboss-dev-forums] [QA of JBoss Portal] - Re: Portlet Container test framework update

julien@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Oct 24 17:37:15 EDT 2007

The other way to do would be to use some public field which would allow a more typed approach and enforce the contract with the different actions:

  | public class InitializeBeforeHandle
  | {
  |    @JoinPoint(portletId = InitializeBeforeHandlePortlet.NAME)
  |    public PortletRenderTestAction tmp = new PortletRenderTestAction()
  |    {
  |       protected DriverResponse run(Portlet portlet, RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response, PortletTestContext context) throws PortletException, IOException
  |       {
  |          Assert.assertTrue(InitializeBeforeHandlePortlet.init);
  |          return new EndTestResponse();
  |       }
  |    };
  | }

it is a bit more cluttered but enforces the contract. I remind here that the goal is to provide a way to break down a test spanning several classes (different portlets + servlet) of a same test case into one single place in order to make the test easy to read/write and share a common state.

Ideas are welcome.

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