[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of Messaging on JBoss (Messaging/JBoss)] - Naming of messaging user forums

timfox do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Oct 27 07:43:31 EDT 2007

Currently we have two user forums related to messaging:

Messaging, JMS and JBoss MQ
JBoss Messaging.

The former deals with JBoss MQ and other app server related messaging issues (MDBs and the like).

The latter deals with JBoss Messaging specific questions.

Now that JBoss Messaging is going to be default JMS provider in EAP 4.3 and AS 5.0 and later the line is not so clear cut, since a growing number of app server related messaging issues will be JBM related, not JBossMQ related.

One suggestion would be to rename the "Messaging, JMS and JBoss MQ" forum to just "JBossMQ".

Then it is up to the user to post their questions in the correct forum based on whether they're using JBoss MQ or JBoss Messaging.

The JBoss Messaging forum would then also take questions related to the app server for versions 4.3 or later.

Any other ideas / comments ?

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