[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss jBPM] - Re: Feature Request - global lists API

simonbaker do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Sep 3 20:57:01 EDT 2007

OK, but although the db model is open, developers would prefer to have an API that is database neutral and basically hides the persistance layer for ease of use.  For small companies like ours, it is expensive to maintain code at the database level.  And in general, when a new version of jBPM comes out, custom code for the old version can be a nightmare to integrate in the latest.

I agree you don't want to abuse the "getAllTaskInstances()" type of call for performance reasons, but I have worse situation now.  To get all the task instances, I'll have to make a list of all actor ids and, I guess, call "TaskManagementSession.findTaskInstances(List actorIds) which is I suspect a fairly inefficient query.

However, I know I'm new at jBPM so I'd like to learn more about extending it.  For example, if I wanted a "getAllTaskInstances()" method, would the best approach be to add my query to the "hibernate.queries.hbm.xml" file (does that mean learning Hibernate generic SQL?) and coding a new method, say "TaskManagementSession.getAllTaskInstances()", following the example of the similar methods?  Or is there a better place to hang custom code?

I realize those last questions belong in the user forum.

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