[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of AOP on JBoss (Aspects/JBoss)] - Re: AOP asintegration WITHOUT the integration :-)

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Sep 4 14:48:29 EDT 2007

"adrian at jboss.org" wrote : 
  | i.e. if:
  | -loaderA exports org.acme, and also has the private org.private package (which contains the class Something)
  | -loaderB imports loaderA (see my question at the end, I'm not 100% sure how this works), and does not redefine org.acme or org.private classes
  | Then as I understand it, we can do
  | loaderB.loadClass("org.acme.Blah")
  | while this will return nothing
  | loaderB.loadClass("org.private.Something")
  | Will this still hold?
  | loaderB.getResource("org/acme/Blah.class") //valid
  | loaderB.getResource("org/private/Something.class) //nothing
  | If this is the case, then we are probably good, unless you think it is a bad idea to depend on this?

Its not necessarily true (there's seperate filters for resources and classes)
but I don't see why you would implement something that did it differently?
The seperate filters is more so you can do things optimized to the different

anonymous wrote : 
  | One further question regarding importAll and delegates... Does importAll=true imply that every other classloader in the domain is a delegate. If importAll is false, will we only look in the delegates we have explicitly declared?

Effectively yes. But importAll isn't implemented that way. It would be too
much of a pain to update all the other classloaders every time a classloader appears or
disappears. :-)

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