[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Build System] - Getting the release process working with javaee

scott.stark@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Sep 7 13:18:32 EDT 2007

So one thing we need to do is flesh out the release process for multi-project releases like the mc and javaee. Javaee is the simpler, and needs to have the canonical projects re-released as .Beta1s, so lets start with that.

What we need working is:

1. Being able to to a mvn release:* to create the canonical maven2 artifacts as well as the jboss repo artifacts. A current issue is how the versioning is handled. You have to have x.y-SNAPSHOT releases of every project, and these are updated to x.(y+1)-SNAPSHOT in trunk (unless overriden). This does not match our versioning conventions of x.y.z.[Alpha|Beta|CR|GA] in that there can be several x.y.z releases with only the qualifier changing. Its a pain to have to override the release and next version for a large project like javaee, and worse for the mc. Can we customize this to better match our conventions?

2. The contents uploaded to the legacy jboss repo are some aggregate view of the canonical projects. This generally is not the same as the aggregate contents one wants for a release upload to jboss.org. We need integration between the maven-jboss-deploy-plugin and an aggregrator description to define how to create the jbossrepor/{component-info.xml,resources,bin,lib} contents.

3. We need a consistent set of steps one can follow in http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=MavenReleaseProcess for any maven based project.

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