[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss ESB] - Re: Failover MessageRedelivery

mark.little@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Sep 10 09:49:23 EDT 2007

"beve" wrote : anonymous wrote : Why don't you use transacted JMS sessions
  | Well, we also have the use case when it does not make sense to redeliver the message, like when a transformation or validation fails. The redelivery service can be configured with a retry count which we could then take advantage of. This is not an optimal solution as we will still be trying to redeliver/re-execute a message that we know will fail.

OK. I'm not sure if that feature request will get into the 4.2.1 release though.

anonymous wrote : 
  | While we are on the subject of transacted JMS Sessions, we are using the JMSGatewayListener and as far as I can see these JMSSessions are created without transactions and AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE. But there is a JIRA (http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBESB-439), which I'm sure you know:)
  | Lets say we make this configurable so that the JMSGatewayListener's sessions are transacted, and also make the ack mode be configurable. 
  | How do we commit the transaction upon sucessfully completing the action pipeline? 

Yes, this is all related to the recent re-assignment ;-)

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