[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of Clustering on JBoss (Clusters/JBoss)] - Re: Handling cluster state when network partitions occur

bstansberry@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Sep 14 11:40:46 EDT 2007

I said right off it was flawed didn't I? :)

Only benefit to it is it's dynamic. But, I suppose if people want things to be completely dynamic they shouldn't expect this kind of functionality. They should be using redundant power supplies, IP bonding and redundant networks.

Re: disabling access if this occurs, there's no standard HTTP status code (e.g. 410) to tell a load balancer to fail over.  All the HTTP status codes propagate to the client.  With mod_jk, they're working on a much more rich communication between the Tomcat side and the Apache side, so all sorts of status information about the cluster could be passed.  With other load balancers from major vendors we could send a custom HTTP header; we'd need to coordinate with the vendors to get them to understand the header.  If none of those options are available, we'd have to shut down the connector.

I want to have pluggable policies for configuring this kind of thing. An expansion on the existing "useJK" flag.

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