[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Transaction Services] - Re: IIOP stub compiler design problem

jhalliday do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Sep 17 07:41:49 EDT 2007

Adrian -

What's the correct technique where a client application is needing to use dynamically generated stubs? Presumably the compilation occurs on the server and the stub is sent down to the client. Does  the generated code do runtime lookup of the ORB to use in the client JVM? How do I interfere with that process, since ORBInitialContextFactory is not present on the client? Or do I need to add it to the client classpath, even though it's part of the /server/lib not /client/lib   It seems like if I can do a ORBInitialContextFactory.setORB(myORB); in the client and the dynamically loaded stubs will respect it then that should work?

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