[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Profiler] - GC Operations screen

forumer do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Sep 18 12:53:27 EDT 2007

I'd appreciate it if somebody can help me understand this screen: process view / memory:

I ran my ejb app for a few minutes and am using the profiler. I see six lines in the "GC Operations" view. One of my applications classes is present "underneath" each of these lines. Following are the counts for each respective line:

Quantity   Release Quantity
10            7
29            0
37            0
37            0
37            0
37            0

First of all, is it true that each line represents a new GC cycle in chronological order?

Second, Does the number under "Quantity" represent cumulative number of objects created and the number it released under "Released Quantity"?

When I click on "Creations" on the last line, I get the method name, 37 and 30.

If this is true, does the above imply that 30 objects are leaking?

It'd help a great deal to understand this screen.


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