[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Remoting, Unified Invokers] - Re: Why bother with APR?

trustin do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Sep 19 00:40:00 EDT 2007

"timfox" wrote : I believe the RHM team compared NIO (using Apache MINA) to Apache APR and also to asynchronous IO using direct Linux OS calls (i.e. not going through the APR abstraction layer).
  | I believe the direct hooks gave the best performance, NIO was pretty good, and APR not so good due to the overhead of having to find a common API over all OSs.
  | Sorry for the vaguities, but this is what I remember them mentioning. Don't know if their findings were correct or not.
  | BTW we (JBM) definitely need NIO for handling large number of connections. APR is a "nice to have" if it gives radically better performance than NIO, but I'm not particularly bothered about it.

Is there any written report related with their findings?

I am with Tim in that APR is a nice-to-have.  Some platform's NIO performance might not be better than APR and vice versa, so it would be nice if users can choose what the best is for their running platform.

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