[jboss-dev-forums] [QA of JBoss Portal] - JBoss Portal and JSF Application Integration

Renju do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Sep 19 01:40:00 EDT 2007

Hi All,
I am new to the JBoss portal. 
I want to create a JSF(Full architecture is JSF,Spring, Hibernate), Application running on JBoss Portal. The situation is like that 

    1.The entire application is running on single portal, and no portlets     needed(My concept  is running JSP's on portal without portlets). 
    2. I want only  the Theam managemant and user management features of JBoss portal.
    3. Is it possible to integrate an old JSF application to JBoss portal without much changes(Application running on portal no portlets needed).

It will be very helpful for me if you comment on this issues.


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