[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of AOP on JBoss (Aspects/JBoss)] - Re: AOP asintegration WITHOUT the integration :-)

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Sep 19 08:04:54 EDT 2007

"kabir.khan at jboss.com" wrote : What if there is no metadata on the stack? Or would that be a bug when running within JBoss.

It wouldn't necessarily be a bug, e.g. you can use the default scope if there isn't one,
but it would be a bug for stuff that is JBoss Managed, e.g. invocations from the
EJB, JMX, JCA container, etc.

anonymous wrote : 
  | The second part of this is that the metadata is currently only really used at weaving/advisor population time. i.e we use the metadata to get the domain, and the annotations etc. to be used for the bindings etc. I think you have in mind something for the same class to have different interceptor chains invoked depending on the MetaData on the stack? 

That's the second part of completing the aop/metadata stuff.
A scoped deployment should be able to aspectize a class (e.g. the OracleConnection)
in a different way to the non-scoped usage (which might not even be aspectized).

I proposed it should be a function of what metadata context creates the Object 
(Class instance) and so would require extra work to intercept the instantiation 
and check the context to see whether a proxy is needed instead of the original
(aspectized) class in a scoped environment.

You might be able to think of a more efficient way to do this?
Especially for when the default scope doesn't want an aspectized version of the class.

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