[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of POJO Server] - Re: ManagedOperation aspects for the ProfileService.Manageme

alesj do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Sep 20 08:07:25 EDT 2007

"scott.stark at jboss.org" wrote : Yes, you have to dispatch the methods as needed. Ops on the ManagedOperation can be handled by the existing remoting wiring. The wiring for invoke to the runtime component is what you need to do such that ManagementViewImpl.invoke does the dispatch.

The code is commited.

I've refactored the ManagementViewImpl - no need for opMap --> added ManagedOperationDelegate that holds all the needed information.
I've also changed the ProfileServiceInvocationHandler, since there is no need for us to distinguish between ProfileService.ManagedOperation@ and other calls. I've only left the ManagementView result set to a proxy.

I added two new interfaces:
 1) MetaDataNameProvider: extracts component name from MetaData
 2) RuntimeComponentDispatcher: pushes attachment to MetaDataNameProvider to get the name, looks up the component via 'registry', and dispatches method invocation on the found runtime component

Currently there are just default impls:
 1) Name from BeanMetaData and ServiceMetaData
 2) MC's Controller dispatch

Is this what we've been looking for? :-)

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