[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Build System] - jboss metadata pom

dimitris@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Apr 2 12:24:21 EDT 2008

I'm making some changes to the jboss-metadata pom, for getting closer to a Beta7 release:

- Updated to org.jboss.microcontainer:jboss-container:jar:2.0.0.Beta9 (was Beta6)
  - and removed the jboss:jbossxb exclusion (AFAICT, not needed anymore)
- Updated to org.jboss:jboss-vfs:jar:2.0.0.Beta10 (from Beta4)
- Updated to org.jboss:jbossxb:jar:2.0.0.CR8 (from CR5)
- Update to org.jboss.javaee:jboss-javaee:jar:5.0.0.Beta3Update1 (from Beta3)
- Update to org.jboss:jboss-test:jar:1.0.5.GA:test (from 1.0.4.GA)

Possible Inconsistencies
- Shouldn't the groupId for jboss-vfs be changed to 'org.jboss.vfs' (or org.jboss.virtual), rather than org.jboss ?
- Same for jbossxb. Shouldn't groupId be 'org.jboss.xb'?
- Same for org.jboss.jaxws
- Same for metadata project itself

- common-logging-spi appears with 2 names:

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