[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JCA on JBoss] - Re: JBAS-5278 Errors .

timfox do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Apr 7 05:08:41 EDT 2008

Pasting in some relevant comments by Jesper:

"jesper" wrote : 
  | By popular request I took a look at subject - here follows my analysis.
  | First of all: Clebert's comment on this issue is correct - it _IS_ a JCA issue !
  | The following two classes
  |  org.jboss.resource.adapter.jms.JmsManagedConnection
  |  org.jboss.jms.ConnectionFactoryHelper
  | assumes that _just_ because the JMS ConnectionFactory bound in JNDI implements the XA interfaces that the functionality is enabled and always used. This is _not_ correct - the JMS spec doesn't say anything about that.
  | JBossMessaging lets its classes implement both the non-XA and XA interfaces  all over the implementation - e.g. JBossConnectionFactory implements ConnectionFactory and XAConnectionFactory.
  | Messaging should be a black box from a JCA point of view - it can't assume anything about non-XA and XA use from a user point of view - it needs to keep track of it for each session. JBossMessaging implements precisely this at the session layer.
  | Problem 1) - this needs to be fixed if JBossMessaging is to be a 1st-class citizen of EAP-4.3, AS-5.0 and at a later point EAP-5.0 (!).
  | Problem 2) - using JMS in the AS-5.0 (and EAP-4.3) doesn't work correctly now AFAICT. We need to commit/rollback the transactions where they belong.
  | As to 1) - we can extend the current implementation such that it will become a more 'XA capable JCA adaptor' which can be used with AS-4.2, AS-5.0, EAP-4.3 and EAP-5.0 -- this will require some resources. I need to go over all of the 7k LoC implementation and move/remove all assumptions on how the messaging implementation works - and run the TCK of course. Furthermore I properly need to extend the transaction tracking inside the adaptor.
  | (I don't see this as a long-term solution - e.g. new implementation in AS-5.1 and EAP-5.1 is needed IMHO). 

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