[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of EJB 3.0] - Re: JBAS-2408 - EJB3 / JCA integration

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Apr 11 05:51:40 EDT 2008

"adrian at jboss.org" wrote : 
  | No. EJB3 is not the place for integration code. All EJB3 cares about is
  | I want to activate an endpoint with 
  | * this callback
  | * these activation config properties 
  | * some selection parameters to determine the rar, e.g. listener interface, rar name, etc.

i.e. there should be a jca spi in the jboss-integration that has something like:

  | public interface EndpointActivationBus
  | {
  |     EndpointActivation activate(Endpoint endpoint, Set<ActivationConfigProperties> properties, RarSelection selection);
  | }
  | public interface EndpointActivation
  | {
  |    deactivate();
  | }
  | public interface Endpoint
  | {
  |    boolean isDeliveryTransacted(Method);
  |    int getTransactionTimeout(Method);
  |   // etc.
  | }
  | public interface AOPEndpoint extends org.jboss.aop.Interceptor {}
  | public interface JMXEndpoint extends org.jboss.invocation.Interceptor {}
  | public interface RarSelection
  | {
  |     String getRarName();
  |     Class<?> getListenerType();
  |     Map<String, String> getProperties(); // for some kind of fuzzy match based on rar config
  | }

which we then implementation in JBossAS over the JCA metadata repository.

You can imagine alternate methods where the caller does more work upfront
if it knows a lot a about the rar, e.g.

  |     EndpointActivation activate(Endpoint endpoint, ActivationSpec spec);
the activation spec obviously determines the rar.

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