[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Build System] - Remapping transitive dependencies

wolfc do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Apr 16 08:07:52 EDT 2008

jnpserver has a dependency on jboss:jboss-common-core, while others have a dependency on org.jboss:jboss-common-core. Is there a way to remap this?
[INFO] [dependency:tree]
  | [INFO] org.jboss.ejb3:jboss-ejb3-transactions:jar:0.13.0-SNAPSHOT
  | [INFO] +- junit:junit:jar:4.4:test
  | [INFO] +- jboss.aop:jboss-aop-deployer-jdk50:jar:2.0.0.CR8:test
  | [INFO] +- org.jboss:jnpserver:jar:5.0.0.Beta4:test
  | [INFO] |  +- apache-log4j:log4j:jar:1.2.14:test
  | [INFO] |  +- jboss:jboss-common-core:jar:2.0.2.GA:test
  | ...
  | [INFO] +- org.jboss:jboss-transaction-spi:jar:5.0.0.Beta4:compile
  | [INFO] |  +- jboss:jboss-common-logging-spi:jar:2.0.4.GA:compile
  | [INFO] |  +- org.jboss.javaee:jboss-jca-api:jar:1.5.0.Beta3Update1:compile (version managed from
  | [INFO] |  |  \- (org.jboss:jboss-common-core:jar:2.2.5.GA:compile - version managed from 2.2.2.GA; omitted for duplicate)
  | ...
So I would like to specify that jboss:jboss-common-core is interpreted as org.jboss:jboss-common-core.

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