[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of EJB 3.0] - Re: WS EJB invocation

scott.stark@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Sat Apr 26 09:16:52 EDT 2008

It changed because the DeploymentScope is now handling the resolution of references to other components, so there is always a DeploymentScope. Previously this only existed for ears. Use the DeploymentScope getEjbContainer methods to obtain the container:

  | public interface DeploymentScope extends JavaEEApplication
  | {
  |    /**
  |     * Obtain the EJBContainer best matching the business interface
  |     * @param businessIntf - the business interface to match
  |     * @param vfsContext - the vfs path to the deploment initiating the request
  |     * @return the matching EJBContainer if found, null otherwise.
  |     */
  |    EJBContainer getEjbContainer(Class businessIntf, String vfsContext)
  |       throws NameNotFoundException;
  |    /**
  |     * Obtain the EJBContainer best matching the business interface
  |     * @param ejbLink - the referencing ejb-link
  |     * @param businessIntf - the business interface to match
  |     * @param vfsContext - the vfs path to the deploment initiating the request
  |     * @return the matching EJBContainer if found, null otherwise.
  |     */
  |    EJBContainer getEjbContainer(String ejbLink, Class businessIntf, String vfsContext);
  | }

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