[jboss-dev-forums] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: Using a CompositeMetaType for a Map with String keys?

adrian@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Feb 6 10:34:52 EST 2008

"scott.stark at jboss.org" wrote : Our metatype/values initially mirrored the jmx opentype stuff, so that is where the CompositeMetaType, TableMetaType come from

Correct but OpenMBeans or MetaTypes don't mandate that you should
use Tables to represent maps.

This is a property of the MXBean or MetaTypeFactory default mappings respectively.

anonymous wrote : 
  | A map of string keys with metavalues is no different than a javabean of property names to values, so that type of map should have a CompositeMetaType representation. I'm testing a MapCompositeValueSupport impl as part of the ds property fixing.

If you want to map simple maps e.g. String->Object to a composite data
that is fine with me.

NOTE: Unless this is made configurable somehow (annotation?) then this
would also apply to all java.util.Properties.

The thing about things like java.util.Properties is that the number of possible key values
is potentially infiinite. ;-)

e.g.1 - jndi environment propreties (keys depend upon what the initial context supports)

e.g.2 - for a jca admin object the possible keys are determined by the 
javabean properties on the implementation class (not shown in this config)

  |   <mbean code="org.jboss.resource.deployment.AdminObject"
  |          name="jca.test:name=TestInterface">
  |      <attribute name="JNDIName">test/jca/TestInterface</attribute>
  |      <depends optional-attribute-name="RARName">jboss.jca:service=RARDeployment,name='testadminobject.rar'</depends>
  |      <attribute name="Type">org.jboss.test.jca.adminobject.TestInterface</attribute>
  |      <attribute name="Properties">
  |         StringProperty=StringValue
  |         IntegerProperty=123
  |      </attribute>
  |   </mbean>

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