[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of JBoss Build System] - Re: JBossAS CR1 build plan

scott.stark@jboss.org do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Feb 8 17:10:45 EST 2008

"pgier" wrote : 
  | Once ejb3 is mavenized it can still be deployed to the legacy repository using the jboss-deploy plugin or manually.  Then the existing build can use the artifacts.
  | Maybe Andrew can provide some input on this since he is working on the EJB3 mavenization now.
But the problem is that there is a chicken & egg problem. jbossas-5.0.0.GA needs ejb3 2.1.x, which needs jbossas-5.0.0.GA SPI jars. If both were mavenized, the dependencies would handle this by having access to all projects during the build. Since jbossas is not mavenized, we have to build the spi artifacts, uploaded to a maven repo, build the ejb3 artifacts, upload to a maven repo, build the ejb3 dependent artifacts of jbossas, build the jbossas assembly product. Its getting this procedure defined/automated that I'm wanting to get defined for jbossas-5.0.0.CR1.

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