[jboss-dev-forums] [Design of the JBoss EJB Container] - Problem with several Seam based jars during startup

yure do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Feb 18 04:27:10 EST 2008


I have spited my application to 2 separated projects (to reuse in future).
After splitting I built 2 jars. Every parts has own configuration in META-INF folder:
to access differnet databases and have different entities.

Now I'm trying to start my application. During startup I see in logs that first part is deployed without problems. But for second one I get such error:
2008-02-17 23:43:42,060 [Thread-1] INFO - starting up: ejbTEST2
2008-02-17 23:43:42,060 [Thread-1] INFO - starting the embedded EJB container
2008-02-17 23:43:42,091 [Thread-1] ERROR - Error installing to Start: name=TransactionManagerInitializer state=Create
	at org.jnp.server.NamingServer.bind(NamingServer.java:144)

I used in components.xml such lines to init first part:
    <core:init debug="true" jndi-pattern="#{ejbName}/local"/>
    <core:ejb name="ejbTEST" installed="true"/>
For second I used only one this line:
    <core:ejb name="ejbTEST2" installed="true"/>

Please, help me to resolve this issue.

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