[jboss-dev-forums] [Design the new POJO MicroContainer] - Re: Wrong dependency info after module uninstall

alesj do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Feb 18 15:44:51 EST 2008

"adrian at jboss.org" wrote : 
  | 1) Does the same problem exist in the new code? I don't understand your description
  | about overriding a method with the same name.
Yup, the problem is still there.
Just run the test case, and tell what is the real missing dependency. :-)

What I meant with overriding is that unresolved from RequirementDI should override the unresolved(Controller) method from AbstractDI, which is what gets called when doing the uninstall.
Probably that's what was already intended in the first place, but we changed the signature of unresolved when introducing cardinality on callbacks.
The method went from (void + no params) to (boolean + Controller param). And RequirementsDI's unresolved is equal to the first/initial usage.

"adrian at jboss.org" wrote : 
  | 2) Does IncompleteDeploymentException use the toHumanReadableString()
  | method on the DependecyItem?
Once the iDependOn is nullified, this will get used in DeployersImpl.checkControllerContext method.

  |                Object iDependOn = item.getIDependOn();
  |                if (iDependOn == null)
  |                {
  |                   dependency = "<UNKNOWN>";
  |                   actualStateString = "** UNRESOLVED " + item.toHumanReadableString() + " **";
  |                }

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